Powerful Global Weekly Meditation:



Unprecedented times


We live in unprecedented times, and it's more important than ever to connect, unite, and send love, healing and positivity to all our fellow humans on Earth—all 8.2 billion.

I believe in the power of love, unity and the power of thought. Our thoughts have the power to influence our emotions, actions, and even the world around us. When we collectively focus our thoughts on positive outcomes, we can cause an immense positive ripple effect worldwide.


Love is a language we all speak


Regardless of your faith, love is a language we all speak. Remember, what you give, you also receive.

Let's create a worldwide wave, unite and make a difference. Ask people you know to join and make this a massive movement.

You can join the meditation at your convenience, every Saturday and Sunday at various times: 9:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.


Pick the day and time


You can pick the day and time that works best for you. It's entirely up to you how long you want to meditate. What matters is that you're part of this global movement. The more people join, the more powerful our combined meditation will be.

Let's make this happen. Let's create an enormous wave of love, unity, and positivity that sweeps across our beautiful planet and beyond. Join us wherever you are, and be part of this global movement. By participating in this group meditation, you serve all humans, including yourself. Please join us every weekend.


How do I meditate? It's simpler than you might think.


If you're new to meditation, start with the basic steps. Find a quiet spot where you won't be disturbed, close your eyes, and focus on breathing. As you relax, you might visualize yourself floating above the Earth, high in the sky. You could send positive thoughts to everyone on Earth.

When we talk about 'sending love ', it's about cultivating a feeling of compassion and goodwill towards all living beings. You can say, for example, I am sending love to all people on Earth, every single one of them. Your body will respond immediately, filling you with positive energy.

Remember, there's no right or wrong way to meditate. What matters most is your intention and what you're sending out with your thoughts and energy.

Join us and be the change the world needs!


Leave your first name and location


You can leave your first name and location if you want. This is purely optional, but it can help us visualize the global reach of our movement and feel more connected to each other. 




My first name: Oda. I am from: Norway

My first name: Denise. I am from: Kentucky, USA

My first name: Barbara. I am from: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

My first name: Michaela. I am from: Boston, NY

My first name: Joachim. I am from: Pretoria, South Africa

My first name: Luca. I am from: Rome, Italy

My first name: Mariam. I am from: Dubai, United Arab Emirates

My first name: Monica. I am from: Dusseldorf, Germany

My first name: Ray-Lynn. I am from: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

My first name: Buster. I am from: Buchanan, Michigan, US

My first name: Helena. I am from: Athens, Greece

My first name: Franziska. I am from: Zürich, Switzerland

My first name: Heather. I am from: Boise, Idaho, USA

My first name: Sally. I am from: Toulouse, France

My first name: Judith. I am from: Maastricht, The Netherlands

My first name: Sophia. I am from: Bruges, Belgium

My first name: Robin. I am from: Toronto, Canada

My first name: Audrey. I am from: Scotland

My first name: Valery and Jim. We are from Malaga, Spain

My first name: Jennifer. I am from Sydney, Australia

My first name: Anonymous. I am from Russia