Lisa asked the following questions to Ben:

Will the next president bring peace and unity to the United States?

Also super curious about the free electricity! When will that happen?


Ben's answer:


'Dear Lisa,

Thank you for your questions.

A minority of people who run for election in any country worldwide have good intentions, great ideas, visions and a genuine love for their country.
When they get elected by the people, they are up against a power—a small group of people who, behind the scenes, determine what happens in the world.

This 'shadow government' rules worldwide and significantly influences who becomes the leader of any country. This has been happening for a very long time.

Some good ideas from a country's leader are allowed as long as they don't interfere with the plans of the shadow government. Whether anyone agrees or not, the shadow government decides the steps and specific laws. Some of them have a devastating impact on the quality of life, safety and constitution.

Each of you is a witness to the unpredictable nature of global politics. Often, someone suddenly gets the role of leader, a person who hasn't even been on the election list. This unpredictability is the work of the shadow government, and it needs to push its agenda.
This has been happening for centuries in many forms and is finally reaching its end.

The world is now at the end phase of this dark charade, which has been unfolding for centuries. Darkness implodes, for it is always self-destructive. You're living in a decade where all hidden truths surface.

Focus on yourself, do things that make you happy, and lift your spirit. It's easy to be dragged down into negativity when you read and listen to what everyone says. History has been repeating itself constantly, and the 'divide and conquer' technique has proven very effective. You see it around you every day in many forms.

With smartphones, it became so much easier to divide and conquer. That's why staying grounded and focusing on yourself, and the people you love is more important than ever. You have mastered this very well, Lisa; keep on doing this.

The roots of many problems that started centuries ago—which you still face today—come from greed, a false sense of superiority because of deep insecurities, inbreeding, and collaboration with dark forces. The coming of new inventions will change everything for the better.

This brings me to your second question about free electricity. It is already here. Many things were invented decades ago but kept secret. When new inventions are hardly profitable, the shadow government will do anything to keep the old profitable resources in place. They've been in charge of everything, from the monetary system, the airports, hospitals, the pharmaceutical industry, etc., to the things you eat and the air you breathe.

Many people hope that they will be rescued. At some point, humans were made to believe they were helpless, let alone think for themselves. It's never the intention that you need to be rescued because you can and WILL rescue yourself.

This brings me to the most tremendous force of humankind: love—love for self and others. It can move mountains when humans unite, and humans WILL unite in the future. You will be pleasantly surprised to discover that there wasn't any need to be saved.

From 2032 on, things will speed up on your planet. At first, developments seem slow, but they will snowball rapidly. The agenda to push electric cars will fail. There will be cars on hydrogen in the future and, later on, 'floating' vehicles, driving with free electricity and no battery. Safety will increase enormously.

Even though many events on your planet are now dark, sad, hopeless and bitter, you are heading for better times. The start of an entirely new way of living on Earth. This is one of the reasons you wanted to be born, to witness the beginning of the Age of Aquarius and be part of all of this. You are living in monumental and unprecedented times.

Always here to assist you.



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2 months ago

Those are my thoughts exactly. Thank you, Ben!