The Power Of Inspiration.



Ben often softly urged me to read a particular book or listen to someone. I love watching videos of—what we call—teachers like Esther Hicks, Theo (Sheila Gillette), Bashar (Daryll Anka), and Barbara Marciniak.

There are so many teachers you can watch or read their books. For instance, you can start by exploring topics that interest you, or by following individuals who have achieved what you aspire to.

Listen to your intuition, and let yourself be guided towards someone or something that pulls your heartstrings.


When you feel inspired, you raise your energy and vibration, which also raises the vibration and energy of your soul group, a term that refers to the collective energy of the people you are spiritually connected to. How wonderful is that?

Positive emotions like inspiration have an expanding effect. The Universe is growing constantly, and you help with the expansion every time you expand your own awareness by learning and doing things you have never done before.

Even new thoughts give expansion. This journey of learning and growth is a joyful one, filled with exciting discoveries and new perspectives.


Ben wants to share with you the following about inspiration and its benefits:

'Inspiration has a very high vibration. It opens a gate through which you are no longer the person you were before you felt inspired by something or someone. It opens a portal, a direct channel to all who you really are. Feeling inspired also gives focus and concentration. That does not mean that when you concentrate, you are automatically inspired. Inspiration combined with concentration and focus is like a waterfall. You are being touched by things you already knew about but are now becoming aware of again.


Inspiration makes you see things differently, so you learn and grow. Inspiration also makes you happy. It is a high, very positive emotion, thus lifting your spirit. People who do what makes them happy feel this flow of inspiration. Inspiration brings success. Emotional success, physical success (feeling inspiration is very good for your health), financial success, and, most undoubtedly, spiritual success. You can be inspired by anything and everything. A form of inspiration can individually touch each sense. Inspiration never runs out and is in abundance all around you. People with chronic negative energy have not felt any kind of inspiration for a long time. Suppose you want to get yourself out of a negative way of thinking or emotion. In that case, inspiration is an excellent method to regain balance quickly.'



What is the difference between inspiration and passion?


'Passion and inspiration are two interconnected but distinct concepts. Passion is a strong and intense emotion, often linked to a specific activity, interest, or pursuit. The deep love, enthusiasm, or zeal for something drives a person to invest time and effort into it.

On the other hand, inspiration is the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially something creative. It is feeling energized, motivated, and uplifted by someone or something to take action or pursue a specific goal.

While passion is the intense love or enthusiasm for something, inspiration is the external or internal stimulus that ignites the passion or prompts creative action. Passion can be a driving force, while inspiration can be a catalyst for realizing and expressing that passion.

Always here to assist you,



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