Twin Souls and Soul mates - A Spiritual Marriage.


We all have one Main Spirit guide and several help guides.

My Main Guide's name is Ben, and I do a lot of automatic writing with him.

I asked him what the difference is between twin souls and soulmates.

This is what he told me:

The purpose of a twin soul relationship

'The purpose of a twin soul relationship is to accomplish something together on Earth. Sure, this can be done alone, but the presence of the other makes things much more purposeful, grandeur, and more effective with united strength and energy. Twin souls are engaged in activities that will serve humanity in any shape or form, big or small. People in Soulmate relationships can sometimes feel this, too, although this is different from Twin relationships.


Soulmate relationships can be between two or more people who bundle their talents on Earth. They might be lovers, terrific friends, people born in the same family or colleagues. That doesn't make them twin Souls. They are soul-related, and certain areas will have recognition and unity.

Twin Souls experience similarities on every level, spiritually and physically. It might be that twin souls have experienced similar events before their first meeting, although that's not a necessity. A significant feature of twin souls is that they will be asked to be their pure Self when they meet each other for the first time. Their pure Self from when they were born with all their power and wisdom and without an ego. You might think it's easy to be yourself, but it's not. It can be scary.

Being yourself means to be brave enough to figuratively stand bare naked in front of the other.


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Show your true colors

'You must show yourself to the other person in your purest form. It makes you vulnerable, but at the same time, it becomes your greatest strength, without any binary or trying to portray yourself better than you are. You need to leave your ego behind and show your true colors. So be vulnerable; it's your greatest asset. If you are bold enough to overcome the fear, you will feel liberated and wonder why you have been afraid all this time. You will be more yourself than you've ever been. In a twin relationship, you will gratefully embrace each other and be welcomed as your true Self.' 

Humans' Desire

'Humans' desire to meet the ultimate other can make them desperate. They often assume someone is their twin soul. What happens is that one's desire is projected to an individual who is not the Twin Soul, with all the sad consequences. You are basically saddling the other person with a responsibility they will never be able to live up to. 

What you really feel is soul recognition. This doesn't automatically result in a physical and loving relationship. You might have met the person for a completely different reason. We should remember that this kind of bond should not be underestimated because it can profoundly anchor itself deep within the soul. 

Remember that when the person you love does not answer those same feelings and will not accept you as you are, they are not your twin soul. There is complete acceptance and trust between twin souls without the need to own the other person. There aren't any ego games played out of fear. It would not benefit your mature and old soul when you meet your twin soul to play games with you. If one's soul has developed enough to meet their twin soul, the desire to pretend or hide behind a mask has disappeared.'

A task on Earth

'Naturally, there will be discussions at times. After all, you are human with your own personality, and friction can exist. Still, after an argument, the sky clears up again, and you continue with your collective purpose on Earth. There won't be any lingering hard feelings, irritations, hidden agendas, or unspoken and negative smoldering feelings that could destroy the relationship. There is not enough time for that because the common purpose on Earth needs to be designed and executed. There is no desire to shove responsibilities to the other. You will learn to carry these responsibilities together. 

After meeting a twin soul, there are souls who become anxious after feeling the overwhelming emotions in their hearts. In that case, you can seriously start doubting yourself and wonder whether your feelings are real. This is the first time you have experienced something like it. 

Life on Earth is short, and when twin souls meet, they will start their mutual task on Earth as soon as possible, shortly after they have met each other. There is no time to be wasted. You agreed to meet each other long before you were born. 

Before meeting your twin soul, you know how to live independently. Make sure you feel good on your own and are independent. This way, you are preparing yourself for living with someone else. Feelings of despair mean that you don't have any faith in your life or you hope that someone else will rescue you from loneliness.'

Spiritual Marriage

'You may have heard of the term "spiritual marriage." What exactly does this mean? In our life, we come across many soul mates at different levels. Some souls are connected at a high soul level. They each have their own soul mission and unite to fulfill a joint soul mission. These souls come together in the cosmos to merge. Many souls attend and celebrate this event; it is a beautiful and unique ritual.

They unite, and a tremendous spiritual and psychic power is released in the merging. That causes them - in addition to their unique energy - to create a third energy with which they can complete their combined soul mission. They become two souls again after merging, and their collective power is born.

However, because of the merging, they are always deeply connected. Merging can happen without both souls being on Earth in a body. One soul can live on Earth, while the other cannot. This makes no difference to their joint soul mission. Their souls have developed and grown during many lifetimes on Earth.

They have high self-knowledge and deep insight into themselves and others. They can love without conditions and do not search for happiness or fulfillment outside themselves. This has created a high degree of awareness. Therefore, they can effortlessly handle the responsibility and intensity of a spiritual marriage.


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