Perfect Timing


You are currently in one of the busiest and most exciting periods in your life of the past ten years.

If this isn’t the case, this card brings you the news that it’s coming! Your waiting days are almost over.


All your plans – big and small – are coming together. Now and then, you don’t expect it anymore because you have to wait so long.

Every soul has several ‘Time Slots.’ They open when the Universe has aligned everything for you.


There is a difference between when humans think they are ready versus when the Universe knows they are ready.

When a time slot opens, you suddenly have the wind on your back; people and circumstances are in your favor.


That’s when you realize your spirit guides have your back (they always do) and arrange all these scenarios for you.



Draw another card for Answers From Your Soul About Your Lifepath.


Or, draw a card for Answers From Your Soul About Love and Relationships.