Your Own Choices


At times, we find ourselves making life choices that seem dictated by external expectations. These could be societal norms, family traditions, or peer pressure. These decisions often revolve around meeting the approval of others rather than following our desires.

This may or may not happen subconsciously.


You recently realized that some choices weren't what you wanted, and you feel it's time to walk your unique path—making choices from your heart. Remember, your path is unique and valuable, and it's important to honor it.


If this means that people won't agree, you realize you can't please others anymore. Finally, you're taking matters into your own hands.

Only you know how to live your best life and the direction you must take. With unwavering determination, you're set to tread your unique path, empowered by the knowledge that your choices are your own.


You already feel this sense of new freedom within you. You know nothing bad can happen to you, because you're finally making choices that align with your true desires. This freedom is yours to cherish and protect.


You're safe because you're finally acting on who you really are: A wise soul who decided to live a happy and fulfilled life with every choice you make and every step you take. Your wisdom guides you, empowering you to make the best decisions for your life.



Draw another card for Answers From Your Soul About Your Lifepath.


Or, draw a card for Answers From Your Soul About Love and Relationships.