Self Love


How do you know when you've stepped over your boundaries? You feel irritated toward others and yourself. You feel like you are trapped in a corner. When you start saying no, you regain a sense of control and freedom in your life.


Healthy boundaries could be as simple as setting aside time for yourself each day, or not taking on more responsibilities than you can handle.

You think you have no say in managing your days and setting your schedule. At the same time, you believe you have to do things for others because they ask you to.


This comes forth from an insecurity of letting people down and disappointing them. You fear they will start to look at you differently when you refuse their request.

You'd rather disappoint yourself than heal this insecurity. Learn to love yourself more and put yourself first.


Remember, the people who truly love and respect you will accept your NO. If someone doesn't respect your boundaries, they are not in your life out of love but to control and manipulate you.


They show you who's worth your time and energy. Decide that you want people in your life who love and respect you.




Draw another card for Answers From Your Soul About Your Lifepath.


Or, draw a card for Answers From Your Soul About Love and Relationships.