Feeling Stuck


Whenever you feel stuck, it always means one thing: your heart and thoughts are at war, making it impossible to make a good decision and know which direction to take.

The brain is not designed to answer questions about your life path or show you the way.


When your heart says GO, and your brain says NO, you must figure out who’s right. Trusting your intuition is key in this process, as it often holds the answers you seek.


When you quiet your mind, you can receive your answer. How do you quiet your mind?

Meditating, walking in nature, listening to your favorite music, or dancing in the room alone can quiet the mind. Focusing on your breathing can also help.


When the mind is silent, your heart and intuition can speak freely, and you will notice that you suddenly know the answer, bringing a sense of relief and reassurance.

This gives you the inner security and strength to feel you are on the right path.


Act before your brain tells you again why listening to your heart isn’t a good idea. Taking action empowers you and builds your confidence in your decision-making. 



Draw another card for Answers From Your Soul About Your Lifepath.


Or, draw a card for Answers From Your Soul About Love and Relationships.