Pieces Of The Puzzle


Your focus has to be on work at this moment. Love comes second – that's how your soul sees it, and you probably disagree, and that's okay. Your feelings are valid.


Your soul knows that when you're focused on love, you can't accomplish what you want regarding work. Love would be too much of a distraction.


Many things are happening around you that you can't yet see or feel. They're happening in the energy around you.


Soon, you'll notice that all the puzzle pieces fall into place, like getting a new job offer, a promotion, or a project that aligns with your goals, and you'll know exactly what to do when the time is right.


That's why it's too early to make binding decisions about love. Be patient and confident that things will unfold in your favor. Patience is not just a virtue, it's a powerful tool in your journey.


Let the Universe do 'its thing' for now. Love won't disappear when you focus on work. In hindsight, you'll understand why
this order of things in your life was necessary.



Draw another card about Answers From Your Soul About Love and Relationships.


Or, draw a card with Answers From Your Soul About Your Lifepath.