An Assignment For You 


Your spirit guides would like to give you the following assignment:

Find one or two people who touch your heart and inspire your soul. It can be, for instance, someone you see on TV, the internet, or via a Podcast.


Let your curiosity guide you, and listen to what they say. Read their books, watch their videos or podcasts, and follow their (online)

workshops when you feel inspired. Let yourself be touched and inspired by their words.


You're more than ready to grow through these teachers on Earth. The qualities they have that appeal to you are those you possess but must be made aware of.

Recognize your own potential and let it guide you on your journey of growth.


Your soul intends that you, too, transcend to mastery, which means reaching a level of understanding and spiritual growth similar to the influential figures you admire.

The timing is perfect for your next level of soul growth, and the potential for your personal development is boundless.



Draw another card for Answers From Your Soul About Your Lifepath.


Or, draw a card for Answers From Your Soul About Love and Relationships.