The Natural Cycle Of Life


You've probably already noticed how your circle of friends and family is changing. This is because your soul's vibration is changing. This started a few years ago and will continue in the coming years.


Some people leave your lifepath, while new people enter. You are always drawn towards people with the same energy and soul vibration.

Embracing this truth can bring a sense of peace and reassurance. This is the natural cycle of life, an inevitable part of our journey.


Remember, all relationships are eternal. Even though you may part ways now, you never say goodbye forever. Be comforted by the fact that they will always be a part of your journey, and you of theirs.

For being a mirror to you, even if the things you wanted to learn on a soul level were sometimes difficult and painful.


Remember, you were undoubtedly also a mirror to them. They have learned from you, too. The natural cycle is necessary for your soul's growth, and your role in this process is not just significant, it's invaluable.


Remember, you've decided to enter this lifetime to be able to learn and grow on your everlasting journey. Embracing the natural cycle of life, being grateful for the relationships that come and go, and understanding their role in your personal growth is the key to living a fulfilling and meaningful life.



Draw another card about Answers From Your Soul About Your Lifepath.

Or, draw a card with Answers From Your Soul About Love and Relationships.