The Real Reason


Humans meet each other for many different reasons. No one you meet is random. The person related to your question has come into your life for a different reason than what you think or hope for.
People often quickly form reasons and assumptions about why they've met a specific person who made an impact.
Reality can turn out differently.
The two of you met because he or she will bring you closer to what you want in a relationship. You want to learn the essential insights that this person brings you, and you do the same for them.
This happens on a deep – often – subconscious soul level.
In the future, you will see and understand why you've met. And why you weren't meant to stay together. Remember, the universe is always looking out for you and your heart's desires!
Remember, every experience, even the challenging ones, brings you closer to your ultimate goal of happiness. So, keep moving forward, even when it doesn't feel that way right now. 


Draw another card about Answers From Your Soul About Love and Relationships.


Or, draw a card with Answers From Your Soul About Your Lifepath.