A New Chapter


You regularly ask yourself: I don't know what life will bring me or what life wants from me.


Your team of spirit guides is busy preparing behind the scenes for a new phase of life: a new chapter.


Before a new cycle starts, you may feel you live in some grey area, like you are almost standing still.


It seems like nothing is happening, and your life feels a bit dull.


The truth is that you are preparing yourself internally.


Growth always starts within you before it becomes visible in the outside world. 


If you wait patiently and don't lose heart, you will soon know which way to go.


Be extra kind to yourself during this time. It won't last forever.


The moment you feel you want to take action is almost here.


Have faith that the best is yet to come. Meditate regularly or spend time in nature.


Surround yourself with soft pink or light blue, such as a pink or blue T-shirt, scarf, candle, etc.; this will

increase your feelings of self-love.



Draw another card about Answers From Your Soul About Your Lifepath.


Or, draw a card with Answers From Your Soul About Love and Relationships.