Positive Changes Ahead


Embrace the positive changes that are about to enter your life. These changes will be the catalyst for your growth and evolution.


The following two to five years will be much busier for you than the past decade.


New, fascinating people, breakthroughs and big and small opportunities will enter your life.


Changes or expansions in living or workspace will also be present in the coming years.

You are ready for a turnaround in your life, and it is a good idea to start a journal to record all the changes and reread them in the future.


Many beautiful things will come to you, too many to remember. Your journal can help you remember everything.


It's time to reap the rewards of your unwavering dedication and hard work. Your perseverance and faith in the Universe and in yourself are about to pay off.


Be proud that you didn't give up and maintain belief in yourself. See how far you have come. You did this all with the support of the Universe and those around you.



Draw another card about Answers From Your Soul About Your Lifepath.


Or, draw a card with Answers From Your Soul About Love and Relationships.