Signs From Deceased Loved Ones


Deceased loved ones love to show us that they are still with us.


While they have left their physical form, the eternal nature of their soul ensures that they are very much present and alive.


It's up to you to agree on a specific sign, such as a bird, song, flower or object, with a deceased loved one. This personal choice can make the connection even more meaningful.


Make sure the sign you choose isn't mundane.


When you've come up with a sign, tell the spirit that this will be the sign between you and them. 


You'll see these signs everywhere, often when you least expect them. In their loving way, spirits surprise us, making these signs visible when we need them most, keeping us open to the unexpected and intrigued by the mystery.


You can decide on numerous signs, creating a web of connection with several loved ones who have transitioned.


Remember, clarity is key. Be clear when telling every spirit which sign belongs to whom. This will help ensure the right connection is made.



Draw another card for Answers From Your Soul About Your Lifepath.


Or, draw a card for Answers From Your Soul About Love and Relationships.