Rhonda asked Ben the following question:  

How do we know our life purpose? I know many people feel they are meant to help humanity but aren't sure how to follow their passions, dreams, or bigger life plans than we think are possible. Thank you so much!!


'Dear Rhonda,

Thank you for your question, old friend.

Discovering your passion, or, as humans call it, a soul mission, is not as complicated as it may seem.

Your spirit guides, intuition, and higher self are always there to steer you toward your life plans.

Your life purpose gives you a feeling of fulfillment, happiness and passion.

Go where your emotions of love and happiness take you.


The big challenge? Your brain.


There's a clear distinction between your brain and your intuition.

Your brain operates within the confines of limitations while your intuition thrives in abundance. It's important to remember this: your brain is limited, and your intuition is abundant.

I will say that again: your brain thinks in limitations while your intuition feels in abundance.

Another rule of thumb is being alert when using Yes, But, and What If.


Intuition never says Yes, But or What If - while the brain does.

These small words with big impact are common worldwide. Notice how often the people around you use these words.

For example, your intuition says to follow your dream and start a business.

After a few seconds, the brain replies, Yes, but I don't know how to begin. Do I have enough money to start my own business? I'll need a vast amount to even get started. What if I fail? I'll be in debt for many years, maybe forever.


The brain just smothered your intuition and the start of a beautiful journey in less than thirty seconds.


Your intuition knows everything about your life's purpose, including all the details and how to get there, while your brain knows nothing about your life path.


So why do you often listen to your brain?


Because intuition never gives the whole story, it only gives you the feeling of where to go first. That's it. The solution is to act on intuition and not listen to the Yes But or What Ifs.

By the way, Rhonda, do you notice the look on some people's faces when they mention Feelings or Emotions?

It's as if they are talking about a horrible disease, like the Black Plague, that came upon them. It's so entertaining to us.


Back to being serious again; Whenever you feel stuck, you listen more to your Yes, Buts and What-Ifs than your intuition. Your brain and heart are at war.

Act on your first gut feeling—all day, every day. Every time you act on your intuition, it will take you where your heart and soul want to go.

You will experience unexpected events, circumstances, and people who will help you reach your goals.

If you want to stand still for a very long time, the best approach is to act on your brain's thoughts.   

Rule of thumb number three: Don't listen to what people say. Follow your own instinct, and trust your intuition. Other people don't know—just like your brain—what your lifepath is.

Ask people who found their life purpose what they did to achieve this, and you will hear the above.

As a wise man once said: 'From this decision (to follow one's intuition) flows a whole series of events, which bring in one's favor all kinds of unforeseen incidents and encounters that no man could have dreamed would come his way.'

Dear Rhonda, You are on your way to reaching your life purpose—more than you realize—and once you achieve that, exciting new horizons will appear.

One door after another will open. You are never done, for you are eternal.

Always here to assist you,



Do you have a question for Ben? He's here to help you navigate your journey to discovering your life purpose and following your passions.


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