Check out Barbara's YouTube video channel, featuring a variety of interesting paranormal topics.


Barbara explains what all paranormal people have in common. It may be different than what most people think.

What happened to the questions people ask during a medium reading?

People's awareness is growing.

How to prepare for a psychic or mediumship reading.

What you can and cannot expect from a reading.

Listen to the Past Lives Podcast - Hosted by Simon Bown

I was honored to be his guest.

If you want a Past Life Regression session with Simon, click here.


The childhood of psychic mediums, paranormal children.

When psychic mediums reflect on their childhoods, their stories are often the same. They try to fit in but feel different and can't pinpoint why.They often wonder why they are here; being on Earth can feel alien to them.

Unexpected visits from spirits.

I often get unexpected visits from spirits. They want me to  share their messages with their loved ones on Earth: